Automate routine requests & prioritize complex work

Automate routine requests & prioritize complex work

Discover how Coheso can transform your legal operations and supercharge productivity

Discover how Coheso can transform your legal operations and supercharge productivity

I'm traveling to London and hosting a dinner for prospective clients. I'd like to invite an official from the Department of Business & Trade. Is there an issue with that?

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Based on the Anti-Bribery Policy, inviting a foreign official to a dinner can be acceptable as long as no improper business advantage is sought through this action. It's important to ensure that the dinner...

AI Answers

I'm traveling to London and hosting a dinner for prospective clients. I'd like to invite an official from the Department of Business & Trade. Is there an issue with that?

Show evidence

Based on the Anti-Bribery Policy, inviting a foreign official to a dinner can be acceptable as long as no improper business advantage is sought through this action. It's important to ensure that the dinner...

AI Answers

Who has authority to sign vendor contracts over $25,000?

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Sarah Collins, Vice President, Procurement

Please raise a request to review this draft MSA from Hubspot. Please pay particular attention to the limitation of liability clause.

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Thank you. Your request has been raised.


Review Draft HubSpot MSA
Due Date: 2024-01-18

Uploaded Files: Hubspot MSA (Slipstream).docx

Empowering legal & business synergy

Empowering legal & business synergy

Empowering legal & business synergy


Harness the power of AI for instant responses to routine legal / compliance requests, intelligent work management and efficient work product generation.


Harness the power of AI for instant responses to routine legal / compliance requests, intelligent work management and efficient work product generation.


Redefine collaboration by
fostering seamless interactions and engagement between business and legal teams.


Redefine collaboration by
fostering seamless interactions and engagement between business and legal teams.


Elevate your legal processes, reduce risk, and drive revenue growth all while focusing on your core mission.


Elevate your legal processes, reduce risk, and drive revenue growth all while focusing on your core mission.


Elevate your legal processes, reduce risk, and drive revenue growth all while focusing on your core mission.


Let Coheso boost your business

Intelligent Intake

Universal legal intake

Empower business teams with a universal legal front door that provides lightning-fast responses to routine legal questions.

Universal legal intake integrated with email, business and communication software

Instant responses to routine questions; information gathering for complex requests

Customizable oversight, content moderation and legal approvals

Auto-generated answers with citations and evidence from enterprise legal knowledge

I’m travelling to London and hosting a dinner for prospective clients. I’d like to invite an official from the Department of Business & Trade. Is there an issue with that?

Show evidence

Based on the Anti-Bribery Policy, inviting a foreign official to a dinner can be acceptable as long as no improper business advantage is sought through this action. It’s important to ensure that the dinner...

Intelligent Intake

Universal legal intake

Empower business teams with a universal legal front door that provides lightning-fast responses to routine legal questions.

Universal legal intake integrated with email, business and communication software

Instant responses to routine questions; information gathering for complex requests

Customizable oversight, content moderation and legal approvals

Auto-generated answers with citations and evidence from enterprise legal knowledge

I’m travelling to London and hosting a dinner for prospective clients. I’d like to invite an official from the Department of Business & Trade. Is there an issue with that?

Show evidence

Based on the Anti-Bribery Policy, inviting a foreign official to a dinner can be acceptable as long as no improper business advantage is sought through this action. It’s important to ensure that the dinner...

Jan 16, 2024

Review Draft HubSpot MSA


Sarah Johnson




Frank Perez

Director, Business Ops

Requested Due Date

Jan 18, 2024

Work Management System

Streamlined work management

Effortlessly handle substantive legal requests with the power of Generative AI.

Comprehensive task tracking & visibility into status and progress

Customizable AI-based request delegation

Seamless & integrated collaboration across business and legal teams

Builds on current workflows and augments current tech stack

Jan 16, 2024

Review Draft HubSpot MSA


Sarah Johnson




Frank Perez

Director, Business Ops

Requested Due Date

Jan 18, 2024

Work Management System

Streamlined work management

Effortlessly handle substantive legal requests with the power of Generative AI.

Comprehensive task tracking & visibility into status and progress

Customizable AI-based request delegation

Seamless & integrated collaboration across business and legal teams

Builds on current workflows and augments current tech stack

Work Product Acceleration

Efficient work product

AI-generated first drafts based on your executed contracts, playbooks, and templates.

Accelerate contract negotiation with auto-generated redlines

Empower business stakeholders to self-serve routine drafting needs with built-in guardrails and best practices

Seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Word for a familiar, user-friendly experience

Coming Soon

Work Product Acceleration

Efficient work product

AI-generated first drafts based on your executed contracts, playbooks, and templates.

Accelerate contract negotiation with auto-generated redlines

Empower business stakeholders to self-serve routine drafting needs with built-in guardrails and best practices

Seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Word for a familiar, user-friendly experience

Coming Soon

Actionable analytics

Actionable legal Insights

Gain critical insights to optimize business value and legal department performance.

Obtain visibility into work allocation and related business value for efficient resource management

Visualize key metrics like request volume and SLAs on interactive and customizable dashboards

Integrated cross-module learnings and analysis for end-to-end metrics

Leverage insights to enhance processes, employee training, and legal knowledge

Actionable analytics

Actionable legal Insights

Gain critical insights to optimize business value and legal department performance.

Obtain visibility into work allocation and related business value for efficient resource management

Visualize key metrics like request volume and SLAs on interactive and customizable dashboards

Integrated cross-module learnings and analysis for end-to-end metrics

Leverage insights to enhance processes, employee training, and legal knowledge

Transform your legal department

The Coheso Promise

Tailored Modularity

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Quick Implementation

Quick Implementation

Tailor your solution

Pay-for-What-You-Need: Choose specific modules to meet your legal department's unique requirements.

Efficiency Through Customization: Modular design reduces implementation complexity and accelerates deployment.

Scalable Growth: Easily expand your Coheso toolkit as your legal needs evolve.

Universal legal intake

Work management system

Work product Acceleration

Actionable analytics


Universal legal intake

Work management system

Work product Acceleration

Actionable analytics


Universal legal intake

Work management system

Work product Acceleration

Actionable analytics


  • Word


  • Slack


  • Outlook

    Email service

  • Word


  • Slack


  • Outlook

    Email service

  • Salesforce


    (coming soon)

  • SharePoint


    (coming soon)

  • Teams


    (coming soon)

  • Salesforce


    (coming soon)

  • SharePoint


    (coming soon)

  • Teams


    (coming soon)


Where you work, we work

Integrated Ecosystem: Access Coheso from popular communication platforms like Slack.

Business-Critical Connections: Seamlessly connect with enterprise technology applications.

Harmonious Legaltech: Integrate with CLM, IP Management, ELM, and other legal technology solutions.

Where you work, we work

Integrated Ecosystem: Access Coheso from popular communication platforms like Slack.

Business-Critical Connections: Seamlessly connect with enterprise technology applications.

Harmonious Legaltech: Integrate with CLM, IP Management, ELM, and other legal technology solutions.

Where you work, we work

Integrated Ecosystem: Access Coheso from popular communication platforms like Slack.

Business-Critical Connections: Seamlessly connect with enterprise technology applications.

Harmonious Legaltech: Integrate with CLM, IP Management, ELM, and other legal technology solutions.

Who uses Coheso

Unlocking enterprise success

Coheso elevates legal operations by delivering instant responses to routine queries, streamlining request management, and automating work product generation. This results in reduced workload, increased efficiency, and improved visibility, while valuable insights drive continuous improvement.

Who uses Coheso

Unlocking enterprise success

Coheso elevates legal operations by delivering instant responses to routine queries, streamlining request management, and automating work product generation. This results in reduced workload, increased efficiency, and improved visibility, while valuable insights drive continuous improvement.

Who uses Coheso

Unlocking enterprise success

Coheso elevates legal operations by delivering instant responses to routine queries, streamlining request management, and automating work product generation. This results in reduced workload, increased efficiency, and improved visibility, while valuable insights drive continuous improvement.

Who uses COHESO

Unlocking enterprise success

Coheso elevates legal operations by delivering instant responses to routine queries, streamlining request management, and automating work product generation. This results in reduced workload, increased efficiency, and improved visibility, while valuable insights drive continuous improvement.

Who uses COHESO

Unlocking enterprise success

Coheso elevates legal operations by delivering instant responses to routine queries, streamlining request management, and automating work product generation. This results in reduced workload, increased efficiency, and improved visibility, while valuable insights drive continuous improvement.


Request Demo





Do you have a question? You can reach us at the email below.



16 E 34th Street, Fl 18

New York, NY 10016


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Do you have a question? You can reach us at the email below.



16 E 34th Street, Fl 18

New York, NY 10016


Request Demo





Do you have a question? You can reach us at the email below.



16 E 34th Street, Fl 18

New York, NY 10016


Request Demo




Do you have a question? You can reach us at the email below.



16 E 34th Street, Fl 18

New York, NY 10016